In 2023, our founder Ryan Seto faced numerous life lessons and growth opportunities. The most pivotal was his decision to bet on himself. Feeling confined by a preordained path in medicine, he chose to pursue his artistic talents instead. Driven by his passion for art and love for sports, Ryan embarked on a journey of self-discovery.

Inspired by stories from athletes, sports events, anime, comic books, and manga, Ryan realized that anything is possible. This led him to start this brand. Amazed by human potential in fitness and physical feats, he believes we are the authors of our own life stories. At Creatures of Glory, we aim to show you that, even through challenging chapters, you hold the pen.

  • Who

    All designs and art are created/drawn by us with no AI or outsourcing. We are able to create custom designs which helps us to create refreshing and authentic pieces.

  • Why

    We at Creatures of Glory believe that everyone can be motivated by a good story. For us, it was comics and manga. We want to take this vehicle of inspiration and apply it to the world of sports and athletics. Hoping to help you realize you are the author of your story.

  • How

    The art is all hand-drawn and goes through a pipeline for printing. The image is transferred onto a shirt via direct-to-fabric printing (dtf). It is advised that the shirt be washed inside out using cold water and hang dried. This helps ensures the longevity of the graphics.

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